Privacy Policy

Please see below for IBA Corporate’s Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

IBA Corporate Privacy Policy

Please read the following to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy (Policy) explains IBA Corporate sales Limited policy on how personal data is collected, processed and secured.

At IBA Corporate sales Limited we take the privacy and security of data very seriously and we want to ensure you are fully informed about your rights and how IBA Corporate sales Limited will use your data. We will also detail which legal basis allows us to use the data that we have collected.

IBA Corporate sales Limited will review and update this Policy on a regular basis so please check regularly for any changes/updates. We may advise you of any amendments to this policy by email. If you have any further questions after reading this Policy then please get in contact with us:

Mergim Butaja

Compliance Officer

Fulford House

Newbold Terrace

Leamington Spa

CV32 4EA


Legal Processing
When do we collect data / personal data?
What data / personal data do we collect?
How do we use your data?
How is data protected?
Your rights
Contact information for IBA Corporate Limited
Legal Processing

Current data protection law states that there are a number of legal reasons why a company might collect and process personal data. IBA Corporate sales Limited has undertaken a full review of its policies and procedures to determine the most relevant legal basis for certain situations:

Consent – when you give us specific consent to use your data for a given purpose. For example when you ask us to provide you with details of the sales process, or when you enquire about an acquisition opportunity.

Contract – when you engage with our services, we will process your personal data in order to deliver the agreed service.

Legal Compliance – if the law or government requires us to we will collect and process personal data. For example, the law requires us to collect personal information of clients who sign a contract with us for Anti Money Laundering purposes.

Legitimate Interest – this legal basis allows us to use personal data in a way that might reasonably be expected as part of running the business. This basis does not affect your freedom or rights and you have the right to request that the information we hold is erased, or that communication preferences are changed. To request changes to your data please contact us. An example of IBA Corporate sales Limited using the legitimate interest legal basis is through direct marketing channels to advise you of services that might be relevant to you or to advise you of an acquisition opportunity that might be relevant to you or your business.

For more information on legitimate interests, please visit

When do we collect data / personal data?
IBA Corporate Limited will collect personal data in the following circumstances:

When you visit the website and fill in any of the available enquiry forms
When we speak to you on the telephone. Phone calls may be recorded for training purposes.
When you engage with our services and submit contractual documents
When you engage with us on social media
When you book any kind of appointment
When you contact us by email with queries, complaints etc
When you create an online account with us
When you give a third party permission to share data with us that they hold about you. For example,,
When we collect information from publicly available sources, such as companies house
When information has been made public as a matter of law
What data / personal data do we collect?
We collect personal data in the following situations:

Contact information such as email address, telephone number and both business and correspondence addresses
Non-personal information such as business contact information, business accounts, sector/business descriptions and registered company number
Details of your visits to our group websites gathered through the use of cookies in your web browser (should you consent to this) Further information is available at
Details of conversations, requests for information and documents supplied to us during the course of discussions
Payment card information. This is not stored on our systems and is used at the point of payment only. Payment details are not obtained on a recorded telephone line, and any written information is securely destroyed upon submission of the payment.

How do we use your data?

In order to make our communication relevant, it is important that we use your data to build up a picture of which services might be relevant to your situation. IBA Corporate Limited understand that irrelevant communication is frustrating and unnecessary, therefore we undertake regular reviews to determine that our contract strategy is relevant and informative.

The legal basis of legitimate interests allows us to use your data to determine what services might be of interest to you, and to contact you to inform you of said services. This legal basis allows you to object to IBA Corporate sales Limited sending you communications and to request that we do not contact you in the future, or that we only contact you in specific circumstances.

Your information will only be shared within IBA Corporate sales Limited (1259931 ) who will not use your information for any purpose other than for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

We use your data in the following circumstances:

To send you details of relevant acquisition opportunities
To send you information on selling your company, including promotions and industry updates
To send you information about the potential sale value of your business
Where you request details of a specific business for sale, we will advise our client of your interest and may provide your name and company name.
To process payments where relevant
To protect our business and any online account you hold from fraud. We may also monitor your web browsing history to check for any website problems. We do this to protect the integrity of our websites and your online account. We will work to rectify any issues immediately and advise you if your account needs any maintenance from you personally.
In the five circumstances above, we will use the following legal basis for processing:

Legitimate Interest
You are free to modify how we contact you or opt-out of receiving further communications at any time. Please contact us to change your preferences.

To see how we use cookies, please click

IBA Corporate sales Limited take the security of data and personal data very seriously and conduct regular reviews to ensure that the protection is adequate for the information that is stored.

How is data protected?
We will protect your data in the following ways:

We use an online business system that is password protected. It also uses SSL encryption technology
IBA Corporate Sales Limited employees are fully trained in data protection and know their responsibilities in relation to securing your personal data
Our systems and infrastructure ensure that only the relevant employees have access to your data. Data that is not relevant to their role is not accessible
Our servers are protected with the latest firewalls and virus protection software
Your rights
You have the right to ask for access to the information that we hold about you, known as a subject access request. Providing that the rights and freedoms of others are not affected, we will provide you with a copy of the personal data that we hold about you.

If a request is made, we will supply this information to you in the form of a spreadsheet within 10 working days.

At any time you are free to:

Advise us of any incorrect information that we hold about you in order for us to correct such information

Withdraw consent – if you request that you no longer want us to contact you then we will change your preferences in order to suppress any future marketing. Please note, that we will retain information in order to recognise that you have withdrawn consent. If we were to delete all the information we hold about you then we are unable to ensure that you are not contacted again in the future. In such circumstances, we will only keep the minimal amount of information required.
Ask us to stop processing your data under legitimate interests. In such circumstances, we will comply with your request unless there is a legitimate overriding reason to continue processing the data. Please note, that we will retain information in order to recognise that you have withdrawn consent. If we were to delete all the information we hold about you then we are unable to ensure that you are not contacted again in the future. In such circumstances, we will only keep a minimal amount of information required.
Ask us to delete your data in its entirety – please note that if we do this we are unable to recognise that you do not want to receive communications with us as no data of this nature will be held.
Contact Information for IBA Corporate Sales Limited
To advise us of a change of information please email us at [email protected]

To unsubscribe from receiving communications from us, please use one of the methods below:

Email: [email protected]

Call: 0800 368 9681

Write to: Compliance Officer

Fulford House

Newbold Terrace

Leamington Spa

CV32 4EA


The regulator for the GDPR regulations is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) they can be contacted by telephone on 0303 123 1113 or by visiting where additional information about the regulation can also be found.

ICO Registered Numbers:

IBA Corporate Sales Limited: ZA757483

Policy update: 18th May 2018