Deal Structures

Every company is different and, as a result, the sale of every company is unique. Each sale requires a bespoke governing sale and purchase agreement to spell out with clarity what the responsibilities of both buyer and seller are.

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Deal Structures When Selling Your Business

There are two common approaches used to purchase a business and five common ways of paying for a business. When taking your company to market, you must decide in advance which type of sale and which methods of payment are acceptable to you and try not to deviate from them. Conflict and disagreement during both the negotiation and due diligence phases of the acquisition of a company are to be expected – after all, both sides are trying to secure the best deal for themselves and they are behaving accordingly.

But knowing in your own mind beforehand what is right for you and what isn’t right for you will give your negotiation approach urgency and credibility. And throughout the process of selling, your acquirer and their professional representatives will quickly understand what is acceptable to you and what is not.

Types Of Sale

All too often, business brokers miss the bigger picture. They miss the underlying motivation that both buyer and seller in a transaction have – the maximisation of return. The maximisation of return to a seller means that: They will receive the highest possible price for their business as it is on the day of sale plus A bonus for the future value an acquirer expects to add to it.

Paying For The Deal

As a rule, the higher the initial payment, the lower the amount of money you’ll receive for your company. Most takeovers are financed by debt and, in the months following the takeover, a new company within a group may drain cash for the new owner and distract his/her senior management away from their normal duties.

However, as mentioned earlier, there is no guarantee that, if you allow payments to be deferred, that your old company (or the new company taking it over) will survive for long enough to make those payments. You should also be wary of “completion accounts”. Your acquirer may want the price lowered if the value of your company (measured by its assets minus its liabilities) is lower than a given amount on the day of completion (the day on which the shares or assets are sold).

Completion accounts are generally finalised within 90 days of the deal being done and, if the value of the business is lower, you will usually be expected to reimburse the acquirer using an agreed method. You should ask your professional representatives (your solicitors and accountants) to argue that the lowest value possible be included in the sale and purchase agreement to protect yourself once the price has been agreed.

Prepare Your Business Now

five general ways for your acquirer to pay you

A 100% Cash Payment

Deferred Consideration

An Elevator Deal Structure

Contingent Deferred Consideration

Seller Financing Structure

Acquirer Payment Types

Now that we have mentioned the 5 different ways in which you can get paid for selling your business, we will go into more depth of each type.

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