IBA Approach

To sell a business for its true value, the price it achieves must recognise its future growth potential under new leadership as well as its current worth. In most cases, we know that another company will not want to acquire your business for your company as it is now.

Sell Your Business Today:

Our Approach To Selling A Business

To sell a business for its true value, the price it achieves must recognise its future growth potential under new leadership as well as its current worth. In most cases, we know that another company will not want to acquire your business for your company as it is now.

They want to acquire you because they believe that their method of doing business backed by your infrastructure, customer database, supply contacts, and more will take your company to even higher levels of turnover and profitability.

Buyers And Sellers Bigger Picture

All too often, business brokers miss the bigger picture. They miss the underlying motivation that both buyer and seller in a transaction have – the maximisation of return. The maximisation of return to a seller means that: They will receive the highest possible price for their business as it is on the day of sale plus A bonus for the future value an acquirer expects to add to it.

The Answers Buyers Look For

It’s the negatives which gets buyers excited and which add a substantial premium to the sale price of your company. It’s the website you never had time to improve. It’s putting in a system which more effectively chases up repeat orders from existing customers. It’s sticking with the same supplier for many years when there might be cheaper ones available.

These negatives are actually all opportunities to make more sales and greater profit. The negatives hold the key to some of the potential future value they want to unlock.

Other questions an acquirer will ask when looking to unlock future value are:

  • What if I was running the company with the contacts I have in the industry?
  •  How much additional profit would we make if we cross-sold our other products and services to the customers of this company
  • How much would the profit per sale increase with our buying power
  • How much would we save by integrating this company’s systems with the group’s wider systems?
  • Could we increase profitability further by reducing staff numbers at this company because of role duplication?

The answers to these questions are, to an acquirer, opportunities for them to add further value. Please understand that the negatives in your mind about your own company are actually positives to an enquirer. In an acquirer’s mind, they’re buying an expanded, leaner, more efficient, and more profitable version of your company in three years’ times at a discount. The job of a business broker is to make sure you share some of those gains in value reflected in a higher sale price.

Prepare Your Business Now

Identifying The Buyer

A business broker must identify clearly what it is about the business you’ve built which, in an acquirer’s mind, makes it an essential addition to their current portfolio. Why is buying your company so important? How will buying your company help your acquirer achieve their own personal and professional financial goals in the future?

Your acquirer could be a competitor. It could be a company where there is cross-over between what they sell and what you sell. It could be a private investor who sees the promise in your sector but who does not want to build up a business from scratch.

In our discovery process prior to the launch of the marketing campaign, we identify the decision makers most likely to see the value in your company and be willing to pay a premium for it.

How We Present Your Business For Sale

Now that we have a deep understanding of your business and the opportunities it offers to acquirers, IBA Corporate’s marketing department starts work.

Receiving An Offer

Following negotiation, the agreement of a price, and a handshake, your accountant and solicitor and your acquirer’s accountant and solicitor take over.

Between you, the acquirer, and both of your sets of professional representatives, you will:

  •  Map out the process with a Heads of Terms agreement
  • start drawing up a sale and purchase agreement based on the Heads of Terms
  • Enter the due diligence process

It’s during this process that many deals collapse. Often, the goodwill between the acquirer and the seller can be soured by the aggressive behaviour of both parties’ solicitors trying to get the best deal of their client.

You may find at many points during the process that you and the acquirer meet or speak to get things back on track. Both of you may need to fire warning shots across your solicitors’ bows when this happens.

IBA Corporate’s service includes access to our deal progression team. We understand how long and complex the process can be between agreement and completion. We keep in touch with all parties concerned to make sure that the deal remains on track and that all sides communicate with each other successfully.

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